Thursday, March 17, 2005

Cookie dough... Is it wrong to bake it? Discuss! 2.

here it is... the first finalist out of the first round is this lovely recipe for raw cookie dough

Emergency Cookie Dough Recipe

16 oz flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda ~ slightly less if you know in advance dough won’t make it to the oven.
1 teaspoon of salt
12 tablespoons of butter
8 oz brown sugar
2 eggs
A bit of cinnamon
A splodge of Golden syrup
Vanilla Extract
Any Chocolate you haven’t already eaten.

Sieve everything powder if your patient.
Cream the Butter and the sugar
Beat the eggs and vanilla together
And then bung everything squishy together.
Then add the powder to it and stir.
Break the choc up and put half in. Eat the rest.
Get a big bowl and nice spoon and blanket. Eat.

(please insert raw egg discalimer here.... )

Thanks to Kerry ~ well done hunny.... your in the running... you go girl!!!

This competition is far from over so keep entering... I love sampling the stuff!


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