Close to my heart...
"Never being able to say the word ‘mummy’ again in your life sounds like a small thing. However, for many, including me, it is now really just a word – hollow and evoking only memories. I can therefore wholeheartedly relate to the Mother’s Day Campaign as I too have felt – and still feel – the emptiness on such a day as Mother’s Day" ~ Prince William.
Must be Christmas...
Mornings in Bear Cottage...

Baby Bear goes downstairs and sits at his small chair at the table. He looks into his small bowl, it is empty.
"Who's been eating my porridge?!" he squeaks.
Papa Bear goes downstairs and sits at his big chair at the table. He looks into his big bowl, and it is also empty.
"Who's been eating my porridge?!" he roars.
Momma Bear puts her head through the serving hatch from the kitchen and yells
"For Christ's sake, how many times do we have to go through this with you idiots?
It was Momma Bear who got up first, it was Momma Bear who woke everyone in the house, it was Momma Bear who made the coffee, it was Momma Bear who unloaded the dishwasher from last night and put everything away, it was Momma Bear who went out in the cold early morning air to fetch the newspaper, it was Momma Bear who set the damn table, it was Momma Bear
who put the friggin' cat out, cleaned the litter box and filled the cat's water and food dish, and now that you've decided to drag your sorry bear-asses downstairs, and grace Momma Bear's kitchen with your grumpy presence, listen and listen good, 'cause I'm only going to say this one more time.
It's been a while...

But I've been having such fun on Hoods, living on boats, and being part of the showbiz whirlwind of fun that I haven't written anything. That's a good sign, If I'm happy I'm busy being happy!
So yes, Hoods finished Saturday, It's sad and all in boxes or storage. I had such fun with the gang, It isn't like any show I have ever worked on before!
So thanks guys for looking after me, and thank you all for being wonderful beautiful and simply fabulous.
I've definitely got the living on a boat bug - I moved to a beautiful Dutch barge by Tower Bridge, the views were amazing and the community was great, not to mention Chinese takeaways on the top deck in the moonlight. Oh - and playing Pirate's is always a laugh!
I'm definitely a livaboard now. Living on land seems to be not for me.
So what next.... Watch this space!
I want a puppy...

One like this!
Happy Birthday Mum

What do you give to the lady who has given
All her life and love to you
What do you give to the reason you are livin'
I could window shop the world
Before I'm through
Mama, a rainbow
Mama, a sunrise
Mama, the moon to wear
That's not good enough
No not good enough
Not for Mama
Mama, a palace
Diamonds like door knobs
Mountains of gold to spare
That's not rich enough
No not rich enough
Not for Mama
Mama, a life time crowded with laughter
That's not long enough
Not half long enough
What can I give you
That I can give you
What will your present be
Mama, young and beautiful
Always young and beautiful
That's the Mama I'll always see...
That's for Mama,
With love from me.
An Englishman's home...

Which is fine, when you have one. As I was meant to be on tour I didn't need a place in town, but now I do - mainly because the commute and the rush for the last train is severely cramping my style. So after spending several afternoons trailing round looking for rooms in house shares, and them either being so studenty or filthy that it scares even me, or filled with suits who instantly discount me because I don't work 9 - 5, or I'm to gay, to straight, to female, to old, to young, and in one VERY special case - 'wear the wrong kind of shoes'. I've just not found the perfect place.
So I thought about starting from scratch - let's find a gorgeous town house with a roof terrace and a garden and proper furniture and fill it with people who we like, I won't need to explain what I do, why anyone would want to do it etc. So I'm taking applications! Who wants to come and live in the coolest house in town, and enjoy the summer with a nice cold beer on our gorgeous roof terrace.
No nutters, axe murderers, homophobes, racists, trouble makers. Just good friends in a home with lots of heart! Give me a ring or message me, also feel free to pass on my details to likely candidates.
This will be amazing!
Into the Hoods

My new show, Great company, very witty, and the music is fabulous - lots of funnies, and the most sparkly walking stick you ever did see.
These guys are
absolutely amazing, I've not seen anything like it in town before, so it's well worth a look. Let me know if you are coming!
(And yes - it means I'm back in town, so will probably spend
a couple of evenings (ahem) at the Nell or the Players, so feel free to come and buy me a
beverage or two!)
I believe in Fairys...
But do they believe in me? - Surely that should be the question. I reckon that alot of people don't see them or feel them because the fairy folk don't think they are worthy - and it's easier to say that they don't exist than say:-
'I don't have enough love in my heart to be of interest to a fairy - I don't feel colours or laugh songs - I don't choose light or dark - I am grey by default. I can't open my mind to the possiblities because of what they will expose in me.'
But of course if you do go around saying stuff like that people will probably want to lock you up. And probably for good reason. Isn't it just better to be made of the good stuff?
Just because...

So this is who I am,
And this is all I know,
And I must choose to live,
For all that I can give,
The spark that makes the power grow.
And I will stand for my dream if I can,
Symbol of my faith in who I am,
But you are my only,
And I must follow on the road that lies ahead,
And I won't let my heart control my head,
But you are my only
And we don't say goodbye,
And I know what I've got to be
I make my journey through eternity
I keep the memory of you and me inside
Fulfill your destiny,
Is there within the child,
My storm will never end,
My fate is on the wind,
The king of hearts, the joker's wild,
But we don't say goodbye,
I'll make them all remember me
Cos I have found a dream that must come true,
Every ounce of me must see it though,
But you are my only
I'm sorry I don't have a role for love to play,
Hand over my heart I'll find my way,
I will make them give to me
There is a vision and a fire in me
I keep the memory of you and me, inside
And we don't say goodbye
We don't say goodbye
With all my love for you
And what else we may do
We don't say.
Katmandu, Katmandu? Who is this Kat man... and what does he do?
Tintin was great, and finished with a bang - Although I couldn't hear it due to the ear infection of death - 4 mutant martians taking pickaxes to my ear drum and blocking out all other noise does tend to make calling shows a little more tedious. Luckily I had fab team that looked after me - So thanks guys, and thank you for a lovely tour. Its been a hoot.
So now we know what the Kat man does, I'm off to visit him and his 'strange bewildering time'.
That's right folks, the next on the list to get the Sharon treatment is Moonshadow, the Cat Stevens musical.
Anyway... I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and are and will have a very very Happy New Year and all your dreams come true.
Oh my friends, my friends forgive me....
(With all due respect to Marius)I have been on tour, and terribly slack at keeping you lot up to date. Facebook has kind of taken over, however that it not an excuse, I have been lazy. I shall go and flagellate myself with a shoe lace.
So what has been taking up all of my valuble blogging time? I hear you murmur.

We have been on tour since the Summer, and now we are going into town next week, so come and see! Booking details can be found
here.Its a great show, and we have fun doing it. I shan't tell you more because I don't want to spoil the surprise!
So... its nearly August

And I really fancy Lasagne. And also I've been quite bad at keeping you up to date.
So the operas have finished, I've had a week to reclaim my sanity, and next week I'm off to Watford to tour with Tintin.
I'm booking digs in the next couple of weeks, so if you have any favourites let me know, and I shall grace their spare rooms.
For tour dates and other details
clicky hereIn other news everything is good, I'm vibrating hard and seem to be on role, at least with interviews and getting what I want, which is fabulous. Sometimes it is amazing how life works and how well the angels look after you isn't it?!
This week I have been wined and dined, travelled up and down the country, been belly dancing, bought a new bra, had lots of interviews and got them all, got a new tour, done my washing, bought a matrix coat, saw Howard, and dressed up as a pirate, and had a good old drinking sesh with Dorothy Gale at the Nell. It has been absolutely wonderful, I'm such a lucky girl to have you guys to play with!
So you lot, whats up with you guys?!
June, June, June
June is bustin' out all over All over the meadow and the hill! Buds're bustin' outa bushes And the rompin' river pushes Ev'ry little wheel that wheels beside the mill! June is bustin' out all over The feelin' is gettin' so intense, That the young Virginia creepers Hev been huggin' the bejeepers Outa all the mornin' glories on the fence! Because it's June...Ok, so I can't type in an accent! but isn't it just! I thought we were in for a rainy summer, and risking speaking to soon, it looks like it will be glorious and sunny... I even got burnt a little yesterday.
So happity June everyone... and may your outdoor shows be plagued with water moths (and smurf poo). They bring luck don't cha know!
A Two post day, A two party birthday!

So here's the thing... Some of my friends are in rehearsal, and some of my friends are on show call, and some of my friends have real jobs and some of my friends live in the middle of nowhere.
So instead of having one do I'm having two, so everyone stands a chance of making one of them.
First one which is on Thursday is going to be drinkage in the West End. Meet outside the Criterion under Eros about 7, call me if you can't find us.

Second is going to be a BBQ on Sunday at the Warehouse... any questions mail me/call me.